Box-Jenkins Forecasting

2021-08-19T13:54:23-04:00Categories: Forecasting Education|Tags: , , |

Box-Jenkins (ARIMA) is an important forecasting method that can yield highly accurate forecasts for certain types of data. In this installment of Forecasting 101 we’ll examine the pros and cons of Box-Jenkins modeling, provide a conceptual overview of how the technique works and discuss how best to apply it to business data. […]

Terms Every Forecaster Should Know

2021-08-23T17:11:01-04:00Categories: Forecasting Education|Tags: , , , , , |

Forecasting is a dynamic and interdisciplinary field that involves a multitude of people, processes and techniques. Forecasters are constantly building on their current pool of knowledge in order to improve their processes, drawing on whatever resources they can find. A forecaster’s best resource, however, is often other forecasters—but it can be difficult to share information [...]

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