Free Live Webinar: Smart Strategies for Designing, Implementing and Improving an Effective Demand Forecasting Process

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For many companies, developing a successful forecasting process can seem daunting considering the challenges that may arise at each step along the way. In this educational one-hour live Webinar, James Berry, Senior Consultant at Business Forecast Systems, Inc. will review a framework to help your forecasting team create a roadmap for designing, implementing and improving upon your forecasting process.

Drawing upon his extensive experience, James will discuss the practical challenges organizations face when creating and implementing forecasting processes—and reveal pragmatic ways to overcome them. With a focus on best practices, he will address:

  • creating a forecast process
  • setting up hierarchies and data effectively
  • incorporating outside data
  • collaborating with others to establish the final forecasts
  • measuring and tracking forecast accuracy
  • gaining acceptance for the forecasts within the organization

Using real-world examples, James will demonstrate how Forecast Pro can be used to support effective forecasting processes.

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