Free Webinar – Succeeding with Forecast Pro: Overrides

August 15, 2024 — Multiple Times Available

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In this installment of the Succeeding with Forecast Pro webinar series, James Berry will offer a deep dive into using overrides in Forecast Pro.

Over the past few years, Forecast Pro’s Override Grid has evolved from a tool for entering forecast adjustments and comments—allowing you to collaborate with colleagues to establish the final forecasts—into a full-fledged customizable worksheet facility. Now that you can import external information, define calculated rows and specify alternative baseline forecasts in the Override Grid, you have the power and flexibility to create custom worksheets for planning and S&OP purposes.

Join this session to learn how to unleash the power of the Override Grid!

We will present this webinar twice to accommodate attendees in various time zones. Completing the registration allows you to attend either session.

Can’t attend the live webinar? Register for the session and we will notify you via email when the recording is available for on-demand viewing.


James Berry hasPhoto of James Berry worked with scores of Forecast Pro clients in his role as Director of Training and Senior Consultant at BFS, not only teaching them how to use the software, but helping them to design, implement, and improve their forecasting processes. What James has gained from this experience is a unique perspective on the practical challenges users face and how to overcome them—not to mention an impressive number of frequent flier miles!

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